
Caring About the Little Things

Attention:  Kilby Pediatrics has closed operations and will not re-open. 

Emergency Care

In the event of a life-threatening emergency, call 911 immediately. 
Examples of true emergency situations would include:
Uncontrolled bleeding, severe difficulty breathing, increasing or severe persistent pain, head injury with loss of consciousness, confusion, severe headache, or several episodes of vomiting, seizures (such as rhythmic jerking and loss of consciousness), sudden lack of responsiveness, or acting strangely, or becoming more withdrawn and less alert, serious injury from a fall or other type of accident, blue appearance of lips or chest, suspected poisoning, stiff neck with fever and / or rash, fever greater than 100.3 rectally in an infant less than 3 months of age

For any of these issues, call 911 or immediately go to your nearest emergency room.

Electronic Medical Records

We have been using an electronic medical record (AthenaHealth) since March 2014. Our patient portal allows you to keep important pieces of your child’s health record easily accessible to you.  The patient's health record includes visit details such as medical history, growth, immunizations, and diagnoses.  >>Patient Portal

Transfer of Records

In order to transfer records from another office or obtain a record of care given at a hospital or urgent care facility, you may request a Release of Medical Records from our office or from your previous physician’s office. 

Contact Details

Phone: 540.829.4900  
Fax: 540.829.4901 